
Laakirchen Papier successfully uses NanoPro from Voith

The NanoPro calender cover from Voith has had a great start at Laakirchen Papier AG, part of the Heinzel Group, helping to underpin the paper mill’s success.

With its two SC paper machines, Laakirchen Papier is regarded as a benchmark for high-quality magazine paper.

The Janus MK 2 offline multi-nip calender at Laakirchen Papier is a key part of the system: “The calender is running close to its design speed. We can thus increase the efficiency and availability of the Janus only by improving the running intervals of its covers,” says Roland Stadlhuber, the production engineer responsible for the calender at Laakirchen Papier.

NanoPro, which was developed in close collaboration with leading calender operators is designed for just such applications. With its wear resistance and the special vibration dampening base layer, it clearly allows more projectable and more reliable running times in critical positions. NanoPro at Laakirchen Papier has had its longest run times with the Janus calender. “Each cover change saved, results in higher availability of the calender, but also lower costs for regrinds and transport of the covers,” adds Roland Stadlhuber.

NanoPro has proven its capability with difficult calender positions in numerous calenders and has achieved outstanding running times. Further information is available on the Voith website at Voith Paper is also on Twitter and YouTube.

Voith Paper is a division of the Voith Group and the leading partner to and pioneer in the paper industry. Through constant innovations, Voith Paper is optimizing the paper manufacturing process, focusing on developingresource-saving products to reduce the use of energy, water, and fibers. Furthermore, Voith Paper offers a broad service portfolio for all sections of the paper manufacturing process. Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transportation & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs almost 42,000 people, generates € 5.7 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned companies in Europe.

Contact: Julia Bachmeier Head of Public & Media Relations Tel. +49 7321 37-3858

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